An installation of a series of 4 clay sculptures (highly grogged white stoneware clay with cone 6 glaze, each roughly 6"-8" tall) exploring our intertwinements with those who exist at the same time as us, our ancestors, and ourselves. There is a version with and without red string, which showing the intertwinements of all our relations more explicitly.
From left to right, top to bottom: to be held, piece by piece, mothers., how am i doing?

to be held represents an embrace between two people existing at the same time.

piece by piece shows how our identities are built alongside the communities we live in.

how am i doing? depicts someone seeking guidance from their ancestors or higher beings from said beings' hand.

mothers. explores the link between a mother and their child and how even when housed in their mother's womb, the fetus develops eggs for the next generation.

© Copyright 2022 Sally Chen